Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Transforming Habits

We talked in Sunday School class about the percentages of different kinds of content that is stored within our minds. Psychologists tell us that nine-tenths of human thought processes occur in the subconscious part of our minds. Also, everything we have experienced is stored somewhere in our subconscious minds – for the rest of our lives. Information and experience enters our beings through physical senses into the mind, by way of every kind of experience. By the time we are middle-aged, imagine how much stuff is stored away in our subconscious minds! If it were all written down, it probably couldn’t be contained in several dozen large filing cabinets.

But here’s the problem: How much of what is within our subconscious is negative, or anti-God in nature and origin? And how much of it is from God and like Him in its nature? I wouldn’t hesitate to guess that 90% or more of what has been stored in my mind since my birth is possibly NOT God-breathed and does NOT move me toward God. What do you think?

If you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, it doesn’t automatically follow that you will become a mature follower of Jesus (especially in view of all this negativity -- darkness that has filled our lives). God doesn’t just make us mature in Christ without our participation. There are things we must do. Becoming more like Christ and more filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit all happens in part by us purposely involving ourselves in what could be called spiritual disciplines. No doubt you already participate in any number of these on a daily basis.

My challenge to myself, and to you, should you choose to accept it, Mr. Phelps, is to increase the amount of these spiritual disciplines in your life. If you pray and read your Bible daily, and fellowship regularly at church, what else could you add to those habits that would increase the amount of God-related things that are filling you up? It’s clear from Scripture that there is great need for the things of this world system that have resided within us to be replaced with the things of God:

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).
The following are some examples of habits that would help us renew our minds and be more full of the things of God:

Read one chapter of Proverbs every day.

Read 5 Psalms before bedtime each night, and Psalm 119 on the 31st of each month. You will be reading the entire book of Psalms once each month.

Instead of listening to the radio or music in the car, spend time praying and/or praising God.

If you use a treadmill or some other daily physical exercise, if possible, use that time to memorize Scripture.

Stick notes with Bible verses on your refrigerator, the mirror where you brush your teeth, in your car, etc., to work on memorizing more Scripture.

Fast one day a week – for 24 hours or until the evening meal.

Read one faith-building book every month.

Start a journal – a prayer journal, record meaningful insights from God’s Word, or observations of your own growth in the Spirit.

Pray in the Spirit 15-30 minutes a day, in addition to your regular prayer time.

Pick up Bible study workbooks from the local Christian bookstore and engage regularly in personal Bible study.

Find a private place or, if possible, go to your church, and pray on your lunch hour once a week.

Get together with a few close friends on a scheduled basis for informal prayer meetings.
A complete list of good spiritual habits would be endless! Let the Holy Spirit get creative with you. Ask Him what new habits you could introduce into your life that will help you to be transformed. Ideally, we could reduce or eliminate some worldly activities that are not building us up spiritually. For instance, if you watch 8 hours of television every week, pick one of those hours and replace it with one of these God-related activities.

Write a comment and share something that has helped you, or that you have heard from someone else. Happy habit-forming – and be transformed!
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